looks a little like an old oil painting

i made love to this song...its perfect...the most beautiful part is from03:51! i hold my girlfriend, just kissed, looked into her eyes...hugged her! then i drove through the city with this song on full! the best! sex and this, a cabrio and this...my life and this!!!! glad i discovered them! i feel sorry for the people who are thinking justin bieber is an artist....

During the Winter War (Talvesotta), the Finns also made use of surplus WW1 and WW2 helmets.

– Poikakaverista pääsee eroon, jos matkustaa Grönlantiin ja kirjoittaa sieltä: ”Minulla ei ole sinua tippaakaan ikävä.” 

the boys are suckers for hot clean laundry.

your mess is prettier than my bedroom mess rightnow

love priorities.

one female fat mate is wanted